
If you aspire to become highly skilled in photography by getting it all right in the camera with little need of post production work, then my workshops are not what you are looking for.

While getting it right in camera is a worthy pursuit and one that I definitely don’t knock, my personal shortcomings with this stimulated my interest in learning how to use post-editing software, which opened up a world of seemingly endless possibilities.

Just to be clear, I am not a purist. For me the goal is to create compelling pictures that will hopefully increase the viewer’s appreciation for the natural beauty and wonders of the animal kingdom with which we share our planet. And I happily embrace any tool that will help me to achieve this.

I’m also not a certified teacher of photography or digital editing. In fact, although I do know my way around a camera and post-processing software well enough to create the kind of pictures that appeal to me, I’m not looking to instruct.

So, what benefit might there be for you in attending one of my workshops?

Well, I can explain how I got started in photography, show you the mistakes I’ve made along the way, as well as the things I’ve learned and am learning right now that not only help my work to evolve, but have brought me to a point where I am making a living from my career as a professional wildlife photographer.

I certainly don’t have all the answers. I have some and often come across others that seem to work for me, and you may find some of them work for you too. I don’t have any secrets. If there is anything from my work or methods I can share that may encourage or help to give you a broader perspective, I am more than happy to do so.

For example, I can explain to you how I went about capturing the photo below, and show you how I transformed it into the picture that won me the Grand Prize of the 2012 National Geographic Photo Contest:

I can describe the challenging circumstances I overcame to capture frames of this magnificent subject, and the process I took those frames through to create this powerful image:

I will also reveal to you my technique for turning photos like these into pictures like this:

A female clouded leopard walking down a fallen log set against a black background captured by the wildlife photographer Ashley VincentAt time of writing I’m completely engrossed in rebuilding the website that you are looking at right now. Once this has been launched, my wife and I need to plan out our event diary for this year. And as soon as we’re well under way on that front, I will be ready to announce where and when our first workshop will be held.

If you are interested in attending the first or perhaps future workshops, please sign up for our newsletter in order to receive updates, and hopefully we will meet up soon enough!